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Upcoming: “Japanese Eyes on America: 150 Years since the Iwakura Mission to the U.S.” – Thursday, March 24, 2022 Panel Discussion Event and Special Digital Exhibit Opening

Please join us in person (or via Zoom webinar) for a panel discussion on the significance and impact of the Iwakura Mission from Japan on the 150th anniversary of its journey in the United States. Audience Q&A and a reception with light refreshments to follow. Space is limited, RSVP today.

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 6:00 – 8:15 PM
Japan Society, 333 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
(Proof of vaccination + booster and mask will be required for in-person attendance.)

RSVP for in-person attendance.

RSVP for online attendance.

This event will accompany the launch of a Special Digital Exhibit on the Iwakura Mission that opens the same day. The mission, which consisted of over 100 government leaders, courtiers, and students, circumnavigated the globe between 1871-1873, meeting with prominent heads of state, titans of industry and commerce, and a number of cultural institutions. During this time, the representatives meticulously studied Western politics, manufacturing, military, and education, and used much of this knowledge to revolutionize Japanese society upon their return. They furthermore made poignant observations about the places and people they visited, and established many connections that continue to this day.

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of this momentous journey, please join us for a moderated discussion between three distinguished panelists: Janice Nimura, NYT bestselling author of Daughters of the Samurai; Dr. Jordan Sand, Professor of Japanese History at Georgetown University; and Dr. Haruko Wakabayashi, Associate Teaching Professor at Rutgers University.