News & Events

Recording: “Meiji Modern: What Women’s Education Means Then and Now” Panel Discussion This event, presented by Asia Society Japan, featured a moderated panel discussion at The International House of Japan in Tokyo in person and

Upcoming: “Quakers and Japan” – Thursday, March 23, 2023 Panel Discussion Event and Special Digital Exhibit Opening
NOTE: This event is hybrid and will feature both an in-person audience and simultaneous live zoom. PLEASE USE THE EVENTBRITE ‘RESERVE A SPOT’ BUTTON ONLY

Takeshi Furumoto, Board member of Japan History Council of New York, and Fred Korematsu Day resolution
(Mr. Takeshi Furumoto, pictured front row, fourth from left in military uniform.) Takeshi Furumoto, one of the founding members of the Japan History Council of

Toru Okamoto, Board Member of Japan History Council of New York, Digital Museum materials used in local schools
Mr. Toru Okamoto, Board Member of the Japan History Council of New York, recently promoted the use of the Digital Museum of Japanese History in

Statement on the Second Anniversary of the Japan History Council of New York
The Japan History Council of New York was created in December 2020 to establish a Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York

Upcoming: “Japanese Eyes on America: 150 Years since the Iwakura Mission to the U.S.” – Thursday, March 24, 2022 Panel Discussion Event and Special Digital Exhibit Opening
Please join us in person (or via Zoom webinar) for a panel discussion on the significance and impact of the Iwakur…

Recording: “Japanese Eyes on America: 150 Years Since the Iwakura Mission to the U.S.” Panel Discussion
This public event, presented by the Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York, coincided with the launch…

Statement on the First Anniversary of the establishment of the Japan History Council in New York
The Japan History Council of New York was established on December 12, 2020 by 15 prominent representatives of…

First Encounters Between the U.S. and Japan – John Kendrick and John Manjiro
Two of the earliest encounters between Japan and the United States came in the form of a landing by Captain…

Establishment Of Digital Museum Of Japanese History In New York
As the first project of the Council, the Digital Museum of Japanese History in New York is established. You can…

Launch of the Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York
The opening ceremony of the Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York taken place on May 18, 2021 was…

Development of the pamphlet
The pamphlet of the Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York was developed both in English and…